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Pasūti tagad un saņem 6% atlaidi Deye hibrīdsistēmām ar akumulatoriem
hybrid invertor
Piedāvājām augstas kvalitātes saules paneļus un uzstādīšanas pakalpojumus, kas ir pielāgoti jūsu individuālajām vajadzībām.
Sniedzam bezmaksas konsultāciju un veicam apsekošanu, lai palīdzētu saprast kāds risinājums jums ir piemērots.
Piedāvājām konkurētspējīgas cenas, lai jūs varētu ietaupīt naudu uz elektroenerģijas rēķiniem.
GreenLine Energy ir oficiālais pārstāvis Latvijā Deye zīmola ražotājam un piedāvā dažādu veidu SUN 5/6/8/10/12K-SG vienfāžu, trīsfāzu hibrīda invertorus ar zemu akumulatora spriegumu 48 V, kas nodrošina sistēmas drošību un uzticamību.
Deye Solar invertori ir uzstādīti vairāk nekā 60 valstīs, kā arī Latvijā.
Deye 5/6/8/10/12kW trīsfāzu hibrīda invertora sistēmas ir sertificētas Latvijas tirgum. Tā ir pirmā šāda veida versija, kas pieejama lietošanai ar GreensunSolar akumulatoriem, un tā nodrošina virkni jaunu iespēju, kas iepriekš Latvijas tirgū nebija pieejamas. GreensunSolar akumulators piedāvā ilgmūžīgu dizainu un ķīmisko sastāvu, kas izmanto rentablus, bagātīgus, ugunsdrošus un zemas toksicitātes materiālus. Tas ir viens no pasaulē drošākajiem, mērogojamākajiem un ilgtspējīgākajiem enerģijas uzglabāšanas risinājumiem tirgū.
SUN 3/6K-SG04,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. During the day, the PV system generates electricity which will be provided to the loads initially. Then, the excess energy will charge the battery via SUN 3/6K-SG04. Finally, the stored energy can be released when the loads require it. The battery can also be charged by the diesel generator to ensure uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication.
The New SUN-3K-SG04LP1 hybrid inverter adopts 24V battery, greatly improving your system safety.
SUN 3.6/6K-SG,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. During the day, the PV system generates electricity which will be provided to the loads initially. Then, the excess energy will charge the battery via SUN 3.6/6K-SG. Finally, the stored energy can be released when the loads require it. The battery can also be charged by the diesel generator to ensure uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication
SUN 3.6/8K-SG05,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. During the day, the PV system generates electricity which will be provided to the loads initially. Then, the excess energy will charge the battery via SUN 3.6/8K-SG05. Finally, the stored energy can be released when the loads require it. The battery can also be charged by the diesel generator to ensure uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication
Akumulatori Greensun
SUN 3.6/8K-SG05,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication
Saules paneļi Greensunsolar
SUN 3.6/8K-SG05,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. During the day, the PV system generates electricity which will be provided to the loads initially. Then, the excess energy will charge the battery via SUN 3.6/8K-SG05. Finally, the stored energy can be released when the loads require it. The battery can also be charged by the diesel generator to ensure uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication
SUN 3.6/8K-SG05,hybrid inverter, is suitable for residential and light commercial use, maximizing self-consumption rate of solar energy and increasing your energy impendence. During the day, the PV system generates electricity which will be provided to the loads initially. Then, the excess energy will charge the battery via SUN 3.6/8K-SG05. Finally, the stored energy can be released when the loads require it. The battery can also be charged by the diesel generator to ensure uninterrupted supply in the event of grid blackout.
It equipped with RS485/CAN port for battery communication